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We created a system that takes input from a piano and displays the musical notation for it on a television screen.The system uses hardware amplification and filtering of a microphone output with code in C compiled on two Atmel Mega644 microcontrollers. The basic tasks required are pitch identification, measurement of note duration, and video generation. We chose this project because both of us play (or have played) musical instruments and know how frustrating it can be to write out sheet music, whether by hand or using a computer program. We felt that this Sheet Music Notator could be a useful tool for beginning musicians and composers.
Serial communication between our two microcontroller chips is achieved using the UARTs included on the Atmega644s. A UART is a standard device for asynchronous serial communication. UARTs send the following packages: a start bit which is logic low, then a number of data bits, an optional parity bit, and one or more logic high stop bits. In our system, the UARTs are configured to use one stop bit and no parity bit. Between data packets the line is set high. Each UART has a transmit pin and a receive pin, and data is sent from the transmit pin of one UART to the receive pin of another. The lines are independent, so both MCUs can receive and transmit simultaneously, but our system requires only one-way communication. A close-up of this connection is included in the sidebar on the left.
The main loop then stores the last detected note in into a variable called lastNote. This is because the most recent note length calculation from the ISR corresponds to the previous note, as the length of a note can only be determined after it has ended, i.e., after the next note has been played. Finally, functions noteSelect and lengthSelect take the frequency and time information associated with a note and use conditional statements to translate those numbers to char indices that can be decoded by the video code. Function noteSelect can use a simple Switch-Case statement because there is a discrete number of frequencies in which we are interested; lengthSelect, on the other hand, has to recognize a large range of times as corresponding to a certain type of musical note, so it uses traditional if and else if statements. 2ff7e9595c